A New Family Discovery

A few month back I was reviewing the Georgia Militia records and Creek Indian letters at the state archives. I started looking up the pension files for the militia men who were listed as serving at the frontier forts. In that Searching I discovered the pension/Bounty Land Claim for John Epperson. What was of interest of me was the endorsement letters. Me 5x Great-Grandfather Robert Young gave a deposition in the case. What made it better was that it gave me some more insight on Robert Young who ran a tavern on the Hog Mountain Road, which was near the Atlanta Falcons training facility near Flowery Branch. This letter gives some insight as to when and who he served under. Below is a transcript of the letter.

State of Georgia

Hall County


                On this third day of March AD 1854 Personally appeared before me, a justice of the peace, in and for the county and state aforesaid, Daniel Maddox aged 83 years a resident of Gwinnett County and Robert Young aged 82 years a resident of Hall County both in the state aforesaid who being duly sworn according to the law deposeth and saith an oath, that they was both present at or near Hog Mountain in the State of Georgia on or about the 15th day of September AD 1813 at which time and place Capt Reed’s Company of Georgia Militia (and John Epperson as a private in said company) was mustered into the military service of the United States for the term of Twelve months in the war against Great Britain and the Creek and Seminole Indians and continued in actual service in said war for the term of Twelve months and was honorably discharged at Hog Mountain in the state of Georgia on or about the 15th day of September AD 1814.  Deposneths resided near Hog Mountain and was present when the said John Epperson was discharged and paid for said service but cannot say positively weather he was paid by the United States or by the State of Georgia, but know they called it receiving pay from Uncle Sam.  Deponesth both saw the said John Epperson several times during the term of service when he would return home on furlough and know he rendered the service as above stated, that deposeth have been acquainted with the said John Epperson ever since he returned from said was he resided in Hall County State of Georgia until within a few years past when he removed to Cherokee County State of Georgia where he now resides.  They both know him to be the identical man who served as aforesaid and who is now making application for Bounty Land.

                That deposeth Daniel Maddox served in Captain Lamar’s Company Georgia Militia, Wayne’s War and received in consequence of said service Land Warrant numbered 25081 dated 7th Day of October 1853 for 160 acres under the act of 28th September 1850 and that Robert Young served as a private in Capt Easley, Wootens and Bowens’s Companies Wayne’s War and services and received in consequence of said services Land Warrants number 34387 dated 6th April 1850 and that deposeths no either of them have any interest in this claim and they or either of them engaged in its pre(unintelligible)


                                                                                                His Mark

                                                                                Daniel X Maddox

                                                                                                His Mark

                                                                                Robert X Young